鼻炎治療薬、ビタミン、かぜ薬などの一般薬用薬をはじめ免疫抑制剤、抗癌剤などの医療用医薬品の研究開発、そして食品分野では、いわゆる健康食品の研究開 発をはじめ深海魚、アユ用ワクチンなど産官学の共同研究をおこなっております。
研究発表は各種学術誌のほか日本薬学会、日本薬剤学会、日本家政学会、 FIP 世界薬学会、日本摂食・嚥下困難リハビリテーション学会などで研究成果を積極的に発表しています
Toyo Health Academy is conducting studies and investigations on and providing education regarding drugs, health foods, and functional foods (foods for special dietary uses), and is actively pursuing commissioned as well as cooperative studies.
Toyo Health Academy is conducting research on and the development of nonprescription drugs (e.g., rhinitis drugs, vitamins, and cold medicines) and prescription drugs (e.g., immunosuppressive drugs and anticancer agents).
In the food area, we are conducting research on and the development of health foods and pursuing cooperative studies with other industries, academia, and the government on vaccines for pelagic fish and Plecoglossus.
Our research results are actively published in various scientific journals, The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, The Academy of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Japan, The Japan Society of Home Economics, The International Pharmaceutical Federation (IPF), and The Japanese Society of Dysphagia Rehabilitation.
Toyo Health Academy is conducting investigations of the functions and adverse effects of and literature on nationally and internationally prescribed drugs, Chinese herbal and crude drugs, herbs, etc.
Toyo Health Academy is providing lectures ranging from science to management systems in corporations, technical seminars and universities.