


The nuclear accident occurred due to large earthquakes in eastern Japan on March 11, 2011, it has been observed higher than normal amount of radiation in a wide area. The radiation dose is relatively low concentrations of you, we might have to live in low levels of radiation in the long term. Therefore, to avoid radiation and to reduce the effects of radiation, etc., we have to think also take measures to protect themselves from radiation. It is also important to increase the antioxidant power as one of those ways. The paper has been reported that the effects of radiation can be prevented by antioxidants such as vitamin C so far, and it expected to be effective antioxidants against radiation. The mechanism in the body is effect of radiation, and it is caused by free radical. Free radicals oxidize cells and genes when it hits the water in the body. Free radicals are removed by the antioxidant activity inherent in the original human body, and it is known to be removed more efficiently by intake of antioxidants like vitamins C. Thus, under the influence of radiation is a concern, we consider that should be more aggressive intake of antioxidants.

After the nuclear accident, the Japanese college of intravenous therapy, to minimize potential damage to health caused by prolonged low-level radiation exposure, it was announced that we can prevent by antioxidant such as vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, selenium, vitamin E, etc. and you should ingest drugs or supplements. In other words, "(1)women capable of pregnancy (50kg body weight) is living in an environment of radiation doses two-fold higher than the usual", "(2) 50-70kg weight people is living in an environment of radiation doses five-hold higher than the usual, it has been proposing intake of antioxidants, vitamin C as one that: (1) is 4 times a day 2g , (2) is 4 to 6 times a day 2.5-3g.

Japanese college of intravenous therapy has proposed such as intake of vitamin C, but they don’t show the value of the antioxidant capacity obtained by ingesting them. If only for the purpose of intake of antioxidant believes can be substituted in antioxidants than vitamin C. We intended to be indicator of intake of antioxidants if you substitute antioxidant besides vitamin C, we estimated the antioxidant capacity from intake of vitamin C. As a result, it becomes possible to substitute also with the antioxidant substances other than vitamin C. Firstly, There are several ways to indicate the antioxidant capacity. We have quoted “ORAC(Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)”. ORAC has been used as a standard indicator showing the antioxidant capacity in the United States America. ORAC is causing a certain reactive oxygen species, and way to measure the fluorescence intensity of the fluorescent substance to be degraded by them. The unit is indicated by "μmol TE / g". However, β-carotene and etc. are different mechanisms of antioxidant reactions, so it can not be that in ORAC. Thus, they can not be shown antioxidant capacity in ORAC.

◆Calculation of ORAC value Japanese college of intravenous therapy has calculated the intake of vitamin C from the results of studies using rat and human white blood cells, but ORAC is a measure of antioxidant capacity only, we have to consider the specific effects of each antioxidant. Intake of alpha-lipoic acid, selenium, and vitamin E has been decided to base on the reports of the Chernobyl accident. Therefore, we calculated the ORAC on from vitamin C that has calculated from test outcome.

  1. ORAC obtained from vitamin C
  (1)women capable of pregnancy (50kg body weight) is living in an environment of radiation doses two-fold higher than the usual. (2)50~70kg weight people is living in an environment of radiation doses five-hold higher than the usual.
ORAC value of 1g(μmol TE / g) 6800
Absorbed amount(g) 2※ 1.5~2.7※
ORAC value(μmol TE) 13600 10200~18360

※Considered value of intake and index of vitamin C Absorption rate of Vitamin C: When you take 100mg is absorbed 80% to 90%, but take 6000mg is absorbed 26%, and take 12000mg is droped to 16% (Reference: Hickey and Roberts, Ascorbate (2004)). The index of absorption of vitamin C is 25% in (1) and 15% in (2), and the absorbed amount of vitamin C is calculated.

Rate of absorption of vitamin C is higher at divided doses than large amounts ingest at once. Thus, it is necessary to take two or more times a day. At the time of Chernobyl, for children who lived in contaminated areas, 400mg alpha lipoic acid was administered orally every day for 28 days, it compared to the control group, normalization of white blood cell function, and improve of lipid peroxidation, kidney function, liver function has been reported. In addition, by simultaneous intake of vitamin E and alpha lipoic acid, there were more effective than a single dose of alpha lipoic acid, Such as selenium and coenzyme Q10 also reported to protect cells from radiation.

In order to reduce the effects from radiation, you need awareness to protect themselves from radiation in daily life. As one of the ways, you take antioxidants by supplements and drugs on a daily basis, and we consider that the effect of radiation can be reduced.


代表 高橋 雅人(薬学博士)

設  立 : 2010年12月
所在地  : 〒418-0052
       静岡県富士宮市中里東町 560
電  話 : 0544-25-9511


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